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Term And Condition

How To Search For Safe anonymous Proxies:

                the exact definition of anonymous proxies is difficult decipher. a vital point to remember is that adding tag to proxy server description  does not effect the server effectiveness.however, it isn't a suitable configuration for high anonymous proxies.the main reason for this is that the account contains write and read privileges over and public areas.

        anonymous proxy configuration is highly vital,insecure and badly configured which places information and user at risk.always remember ,while using proxy server.create a single log of  browsing using the ISP logs.

The Hidden Danger Of Proxy Server:

Are you aware you do on the internet can be tracked right back to your computer through through the use of internet protocol address,which is a code assigned to your by your internet service provider ISP .next go read through the proxy sites "term and conditions"as well as their 'privacy policy',if you don't like something or feel even the slightest level os suspicion move on!If at all possible choose a proxy which has a good reputation,one that IT experts use and that has a reputation for being safe.This address is unique to you and your connection,at any one time nobody else will be using the same IP address any where in the world and logs are kept of who is using that IP adress and when they used it.you may already know about your IP address and are doing your best to protect yourself by using a proxy server.

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